Monday, October 19, 2009

Forgetful Me

I forgot to post about my trip to WV to see Andy, Emily and River 2 weekends ago. They were there for Andy to go White Water Rafting and for Emily to have a little vacation. I got to spend all day Saturday with Emily and River.We went to Fayetteville and had lunch at Cathedral Cafe which consisted of white chicken chile and spinah artichokke quesadillas and then walked around the neighborhoods. It was such a nice day weather wise and such a sweet time with my family. I love getting to help out with ny neices and nephews. Emily and I had alot of good laughs and good conversations once again. It seems to be a reacurring theme with us when we get together. We hung out with some other friends that we were staying with in the afternoon and then met up with the guys for supper at a Mexican Restaurant. Sleep that night was a little interupted due to River having a tummy ache but I didn't mind. I knew I wasn't going to get to see him for another few months so it was worth it! The next morning was spent relaxing, drinking coffee , and eating way to much baked oatmeal. I LOVE that stuff!!! Then I packed my bags and went back home. It was a great time and once again, another memory to be stored and brought up at a later time to reminise about .


  1. You (and your brother) are some of the best blessings in my life. Thanks for another sleepless night.

  2. Thanks Em!! and your welcome. I'd take sleepless nights more often if it meant hanging out with you and River!
