I leave tomorrow at 4: 15 A.M. to catch my 6:00 flight to Milwaukee, WI. Kurt will come out late Friday night to join in the fun. Kinda bummed he can't come till so late, but Med School calls...
Here's what's going on:
#1 Seeing my nephew, River, tomorrow for the first time and holding him as much as I can till I have to say goodbye.
#2 Plans to hang out/shop/go out for lunch in Milwaukee with Emily and the kids
#3 Probably play Settlers of Cataan with Andy and Emily
#4 My brother John's wedding on Saturday
#5 Spend time with lots of Family (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins)
#6 Hopefully go to a Dunkin Donuts
Can't wait! I'll be back Monday to let you know how it goes, plus some pictures
red and white trees!-a completed quilt
6 years ago