Monday, February 15, 2010


I'm a pretty lucky girl. I got a gift certificate to get a massage that came with a very sweet note from my very sweet husband. To top that off, we went to see Valentine's Day (I would NOT reccomend it) and out to dinner at a new restaurant. It was such a fun day celebrating our love! How corny!!! However it is fun!

I have seen alot of banner's on different crafty blogs for all different holidays so I decided to make one for Valentine's Day. I went with "LOVE" instead of "Valentine's Day" because I do enjoy crafting but not that much. Shorter less difficult projects are my style!

Also, this winter I picked up knitting. If the picture below doesn't make it look confusing I don't know how else to capture it! I am hoping that my next hat will go a lot quicker and smoother. The other thing that is a big bummer is that after all the time I spent on it, it is WAY to big. I was making it for Kurt and if put on properly it goes down to his mouth. I should just cut out eye holes and it could be a face mask. One other thing about knitting...those sharp pointed needles hurt your fingers!
I know that hat looks like it's not that big here but it isn't all the way down on my head.

Oh, and I got a new coat!!!


  1. Love the banner and your new coat! I do like the hat too, i would love to learn how to knit :)

  2. that banner is so cute!!
