So Kurt is gone for the month doing a rotation. I'll be honest, I was really nervous about him leaving. What was I going to do in the evenings? Who was I going to talk to? Who was going to help with Mac? What if I get scared in the night? Silly, I know, but I still felt that way. I have never been left home alone in our almost 5 years of marriage. I'm always the one that leaves to visit family or whatever. Well, I'm happy to say, that even though I miss him a lot (it's only been 3 days) I am doing way better than I expected. I have prayed about this time and I really feel that God is taking care of me and my needs.
Kurt and I have been skyping at night and it is sooooo fun! We laugh a lot! It's a nice way to end the day. I'm really looking forward to the end of the month when he'll be home! Mac misses him too.